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Hello everyone!


I’ve been asked a lot about why I want to teach, what my motivation is and why I have this desire to do this. The simple answer to this is that I feel very privileged to have enjoyed an incredible musical career over these last 31 years which never ceases to amaze me in quite a challenging industry. I’ve experienced a lot regarding playing, recording and a certain amount of knowledge on the business side of things which I’ve found very useful. I have been very fortunate too in that I’ve met a lot of world class drummers along the way that have been very generous with sharing information and tips with me that has really helped me look at my own playing. I’ve benefited greatly from all this and really want to now put something back in the hope I can help aspiring drummers out there get the best out of their playing.


 It doesn’t matter if you want to do just for your own pleasure, do it to join or work more effectively in a band or even just to tighten up a few things if you’re a more experienced player. I just want to offer people the chance to tap into the experiences that have helped me in the hope I can do the same for you. Drumming has given me so much joy over the years and even now I still get the same buzz I had when I first stared playing! It’s a passion that just stays with you and enables you to constantly evolve as a musician and on a personal level. For me there is no greater feeling.


Whether you are a seasoned professional or a keen novice just starting out, I can help! Please reach out to me via email at I look forward to hearing from you!








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